Guardall Guardstation Software

2020. 2. 13. 18:20카테고리 없음

. User Manual Issue D.5 YSTEM EYPADS Electronic Keys.5.5 EYSWITCH Proximity Cards/Fobs.5. 5 PERATION USING THE SYSTEM.6 (PX18/34).6.6.7 EMOTE ERVICE.7 NCORRECT ODES SET. 8.8 ETTING FROM A KEYPAD.

PX User Manual – Issue D LOGS.20 TIME.20 HOLIDAY. 21 SCHEDULE (PX18/34). 21 SCHEDULE (PX80/PX500).22 SET GROUP.22 LATE WORK (PX80/500).22 BYPASS.23 CHIME.24 PRINT TEXT.24 PRINT HOLS.24 IDENTIFY USER. The panel has a wide range of features, which are programmed by the engineer on installation, to suit the security requirements of the particular installation. Some of the features may be reprogrammed, edited, or viewed as required by an authorised user. Feature PX18 PX34 PX80 PX500 Max.


A user PIN code can be replaced by a proximity card or fob if the keypad is fitted with the optional proximity reader. All Guardall proximity cards and fobs are manufactured with a unique code and duplicate cards or fobs cannot be obtained. Spare or replacement cards or fobs can be obtained from the installation company. Refer to appendix D for details. Information about the system may be displayed when logging on.

Refer to appendix E for details. Easy Set (PX18/34) If your system is programmed with the easy set option then all PIN codes are 4 digits long and PIN codes can be entered without confirming with the button. 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Guardall Incorrect Codes If Easy Set is not programmed and an incorrect user code is entered, the incorrect code message will be displayed for a few seconds or until another key is pressed. The installation engineer will have programmed a limit on the number of incorrect code attempts that can be made.

A user request on a keypad 2. A user activating a keyswitch 3. Automatically by a timer schedule 4. Remotely from a PC using the Guardall GuardStation software 5. A user request on an ACM Proximity Reader.

Setting modes include: 1. PX User Manual – Issue D Automatic Setting The system may have been programmed by the installation engineer to automatically set all or parts of the system according to a pre-programmed schedule.

The schedule will have been programmed to take into account the normal closing time, non-working days and holidays. The schedule may be configured for any set mode. PX User Manual – Issue D Setting Faults If the group cannot set a message will be displayed. This can occur at the start of setting or at the end of the exit time depending on how your system is set up and when the fault occurs. If a fault occurs during the exit time the exit tone will change to a warning tone.

A user activating a keyswitch 3. Automatically by a timer schedule 4. Remotely from a PC using the Guardall GuardStation software 5. A user request on an ACM Proximity Reader. Your installation engineer should advise which of the above options have been programmed on your system. PX User Manual – Issue D Unsetting from a keyswitch To unset an area from a keyswitch, turn the keyswitch to the unset position. The area under the control of the keyswitch will immediately unset.

Automatic Unsetting The system may have been programmed by the installation engineer to automatically unset all or parts of the system according to a pre-programmed schedule. You will be issued with a special 6-digit PIN code. This PIN code can be used only once to reset the system. Enter the PIN to clear the engineer reset condition.

12:00 Mon 27 Sep Guardall reset code + 12:00 Mon 27 Sep. PX User Manual – Issue D Code-04 Test Each area of the system can be tested individually or all areas can be tested at the same time. The test time is limited to 1 hour. If the user does not end the test by the end of the test time then the panel will exit test mode automatically. PIN code to be entered. 05=Engineer When an engineer logs on to a keypad, all other Engineer keypads in the system will be inoperable and the Guardall display will show Out of Service. Or time out (2 minutes) 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Guardall Once logged on the engineer working time is limited to 8 hours.

PX User Manual – Issue D Code-07 User A manager user can change the name, user code and authority for any user except the engineer. To modify a user’s details enter the user number in the range 2-max users. In the programming example user 3 is used. A user can be programmed any combination of set groups. ACM 1, 2 On/Off This is a PX18/34 only option.

If ACMs are fitted to the system then a user can be authorised for access through ACM doors 1 and/or 2. PX User Manual – Issue D User Menu Code-4 ACM Authority (PX80/500) This option will only be available if at least one ACM is fitted to the system. Option Range Description Enable On/Off If this option is off no user ACM options will be displayed. ACM 1 - On/Off A user can be authorised for access through any combination. PX User Manual – Issue D Code-08 Tel Number An authorised user can change any telephone number that has been programmed to use the speech format. This format is only available if SmartDial Speech dialler is fitted to the system.

A telephone number of up to 16 digits can be programmed. PX User Manual – Issue D Logs The panel logs all events that occur in the system. All events stored in the event log are numbered in the range 0-65535 (the event index). The event index will be reset to 0 when more than 65535 events have been recorded. To disable a holiday enter a date of 00:00.

The start and end dates must be in chronological order. Holidays may be optionally programmed to apply to individual set groups Code-25 Schedule (PX18/34) A schedule can be used to: 1. Auto set and unset parts of the system 2.

PX User Manual – Issue D Code-25 Schedule (PX80/PX500) A schedule consists of 4 times for each day of the week and 4 times for days which are holidays. A schedule can be used to: 1. Auto set and unset parts of the system 2. PX User Manual – Issue D Code-30 Bypass The bypass option will only be available if a circuit(s) has been programmed as bypassable by the installation engineer. The bypass circuit option allows the user to bypass a circuit that is in a fault condition. PX User Manual – Issue D Code-32 Chime Certain circuit types can be selected as chime circuits when unset.

To select the chime function for a circuit, enter the circuit number. In the example chime is turned on for circuit 1. 32=Chime Circuit Number. PX User Manual – Issue D Code-52 Identify User This option allows a user to be identified by presenting the card/fob. 52=Identify User Present Card/Fob User 3 fob presented Unused card/fob presented Code Not Used User 3 J Smith User 20 fob presented User 20 J Black Code-71. PX User Manual – Issue D Code-89 Cct Status 89=Cct Status Cct Status Cct 1 Normal Bypassed When the Cct Status option is selected the circuits that are on soak test, bypassed, isolated or shunted will be scrolled on the display. The PX access control system can be configured through a security system keypad or a PC running GuardStation™ Access.

Guardall PX proximity cards or fobs may only be introduced to the system through a PX keypad with an integrated proximity reader. The ACM door input may be programmed as a circuit. PX User Manual – Issue D Code-50 Add A/User This option will only be available if at least one ACM is fitted to the system. 50=Add A/User User 3 The first free user number is displayed Present Card/Fob The user number is automatically incremented when a Valid Card/Fob valid card/fob is presented. PX User Manual – Issue D Code-53 Door Unlock This option will only be available if at least one ACM is fitted to the system. An ACM door can be manually locked/unlocked from a keypad.

An optional unlock time of up to 255 minutes can be programmed. PX User Manual – Issue D Appendix A – User Authorities All user options with the appropriate authority level are shown in the table. Code Menu Option Unset Reset Test Engineer Code User Tel Number Log-Full Log-Cct Log-User Log-KP Log-Date Log-Alarm A/Log-Full A/Log-User. PX User Manual – Issue D Appendix B – Editing Text A number of text descriptors may be changed by an authorised user. All changes to descriptors are logged. Length Default User User xx Set group Group x Access control module ACM x User Number-03. PX User Manual – Issue D Event log only messages Log Text Additional Data Display Text Event Description 230v Fault NONE (see note) NONE Mains supply failed 230v OK NONE (see note) NONE Mains supply restored A/Set Fault Usnn, Area m Usnn, Am An area auto set with faults Active Circuit.

PX User Manual – Issue D Event log only messages Log Text Additional Data Display Text Event Description Head Count Number Number of activations of all circuits programmed with the head count option while the panel was unset. Isolate User nn, Circuit mmm Usnn Cctmmm Circuit isolated by user Isolate User nn, Concm Usnn, m. PX User Manual – Issue D Event log only messages Log Text Additional Data Display Text Event Description Software Error A software error has been logged Temp Bypass Circuit nnn Cctnnn A circuit has been temporarily (until clear) bypassed TX Off TX channel N off TX On TX channel N on. PX User Manual – Issue D Appendix D - Menu Restrictions If a menu number is entered and the option is not available, then a reason will be displayed.

For example if no area is set and you select unset the panel will prompt with the reason the unset option is not available. PX User Manual – Issue D Appendix E - Log On Messages When a user logs on, the system may display a special message(s) before the normal menu is displayed.

The special messages are shown in the table. Message Reason Alarm Abort User logs on within the alarm abort period (programmable option) Call Engineer. PX User Manual – Issue D Appendix F - System Details Number of Areas Number of keypads Number of Circuits Number of Users Service Number Contract Number Keypads Number Location Set Groups Number Description Areas - 37. PX User Manual – Issue D Circuits Number Description Location Cct 1 Cct 2 Cct 3 Cct 4 Cct 5 Cct 6 Cct 7 Cct 8 Cct 9 Cct 10 Cct 11 Cct 12 Cct 13 Cct 14 Cct 15 Cct 16 Cct 17 Cct 18. PX User Manual – Issue D Number Description Location Cct 28 Cct 29 Cct 30 Cct 31 Cct 32 Cct 33 Cct 34 Users Number Description Areas - 39. Guardall Limited Lochend Industrial Estate Newbridge Edinburgh EH28 8PL Tel: 0131-333-2900 FAX: 0131-333-4919 Technical Hotline: 0131-333-3802 Part Number: 320680-0D.

. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual Issue B. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Contents CONTENTS.2 INTRODUCTION.5. 5 VENT & S.5 REAS ROUPS.5 IRCUITS.5 ET GROUP AND IRCUIT DENTIFICATION.



The RX16i variant does not include the set group feature. If using a RX16i then all references to set groups throughout this manual should be interpreted as areas. A user PIN code can be replaced by a card or fob if the keypad is fitted with the optional internal or external reader. All Guardall proximity cards and fobs are manufactured with a unique code and duplicate cards or fobs cannot be obtained. Spare or replacement cards or fobs can be obtained from the installation company.

The LCD keypad will normally display the time, date and company name. If a valid code is entered the user menu will normally be displayed. The default manager code is 0202. Enter this code followed by button to log on. 12:00 Mon 27 Sep user token on mini keypad Guardall 02=Set =Confirm Unset 04=Test LogOff. 04=Test 0=Assist 1=Contract 2=Product Info Assist Assist-1 Number =Dial Service not available You will now be logged off and the system will now connect to entered number the remote service centre. 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Guardall - 8.

Out of Service for a period of 5 minutes. Any attempt to enter a user code during the locked out period will extend the period by another 5 minutes. 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Guardall 5 Min. A user request on a keypad 2. A user activating a keyswitch or radio Keyfob 3.

Automatically by a timer schedule 4. Remotely from a PC using the Guardall GuardStation software 5. A user request on an ACM Proximity Reader.

Setting modes include: 1. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Keyswitch/Radio Keyfob Setting As an alternative to setting and unsetting from a keypad, your system may be fitted with an optional keyswitch, which permits setting and unsetting of a group by operating a keyswitch. The keyswitch may be configured for any set mode. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Setting Restrictions 1. The selected group is programmed with a set level and a lower level set group(s) has not been set. If a user attempts to set a high level set group when a lower level is not set then a warning message will be displayed.

Dual Set (PX250HS Only) 12:00 Mon 27 Sep In the example the vault area is programmed for dual Guardall user set. The first user code is 0202 and the second user code is 1234. Both users must have the authority to set the vault area. A user activating a keyswitch or radio Keyfob 3. Automatically by a timer schedule 4. Remotely from a PC using the Guardall GuardStation software 5.

Guardall Guardstation Software

A user request on an ACM Proximity Reader. Your installation engineer should advise which of the above options have been programmed on your system. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Automatic Unsetting The system may have been programmed by the installation engineer to automatically unset all or parts of the system according to a pre-programmed schedule. The schedule will have been programmed to take into account the normal opening time, non-working days and holidays. Unsetting Warnings When unsetting from a keypad, the user is informed on the display of any warnings, e.g. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Unset Delay (PX250HS Only) 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Guardall 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Enter-.

01=Unset 04=Test In the example the vault area is programmed with an 1=Vault unset delay. The unset delay time is programmed by 2=Office the installation engineer.

You will be issued with a special 6-digit PIN code. This PIN code can be used only once to reset the system.

Logon to the keypad with this PIN code to clear the engineer reset condition. 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Guardall reset code + 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Enter-. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-04 Test Each area of the system can be tested individually or all areas can be tested at the same time. The test time is limited to 1 hour. If the user does not end the test by the end of the test time then the panel will exit test mode automatically.

PIN code to be entered. 05=Engineer When an engineer logs on to a keypad, all other Engineer keypads in the system will be inoperable and the Guardall display will show Out of Service. Or time out (2 minutes) 12:00 Mon 27 Sep Guardall Once logged on the engineer working time is limited to 8 hours. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-07 User Any master user can change the name, user code and authority for any user except the engineer. To modify a user’s details enter the user number in the range 2-max users. In the programming example user 3 is used. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B User Menu Code-3 Card The procedure for adding a card is similar to adding a new PIN.

Present the new card to reader when prompted to do so. Alternatively, if the card number is known, it can be entered on the keypad. The maximum number of card digits, excluding the optional site ID, is 8 digits User Menu Code-4.

PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B User Menu Code-5 ACM Authority (PX Only) This option will only be available if at least one ACM is fitted to the system. Option Range Description Enable On/Off If this option is off no further user ACM options will be displayed in this menu. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B User Menu Code-7 Lockout (PX Only) This option will only be available if at least one ACM is fitted to the system. If the lockout option is on for a user then the user code will be ignored until the lockout is turned off. User Menu Code-8 Expiry Date (PX Only). PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Logs The panel logs all events that occur in the system.

All events stored in the event log are numbered in the range 0-65535 (the event index). The event index will be reset to 0 when more than 65535 events have been recorded. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-24 Holiday The programmed holidays are used in conjunction with the programmable schedules. The holiday date format is day and month only. No year is entered therefore the entered date will remain programmed as a holiday for all years, or until it is removed from the holiday schedule.

PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-27 Minutes Left (PX250HS Only) This option is only available to an ATM user. When an ATM user code and a non-zero ATM delay period is programmed then a delay prompt will be displayed when the ATM user code is first entered. 27=Minutes left 01=ATM 1 The actual unset menu. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-30 Bypass The bypass option will only be available if a circuit(s) has been programmed as bypassable by the installation engineer. The bypass circuit option allows the user to bypass a circuit that is in a fault condition. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-33 Shunt A manager or ordinary user can be programmed with the shunt option.

The shunt option will only be displayed if there are shuntable circuits in the user authorised areas. Shunted circuits may be viewed at any time using option 89 (Cct Status). PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-71 Copy User 71=Copy User Enter the user to copy here.

Copy User Enter the first and last user - in the copy range here. To copy a single user, enter the same user number as the first and last. Code-73 Copy A/User (PX Only) This option will only be available if at least one ACM is fitted to the system. The PX access control system can be configured through a security system keypad or a PC running GuardStation™ Access. Guardall PX proximity cards or fobs may only be introduced to the system through a PX keypad with an integrated proximity reader. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-51 Delete User This option will only be available if at least one ACM is fitted to the system.

In the example shown user 3 is deleted from the system. 51=Delete Users Delete Users Enter the range of users to delete. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Code-54 Door Lockout This option will only be available if at least one ACM is fitted to the system. The locked out ACM door will remain locked and will refuse all access attempts until the lockout is removed.

The ACM door lockout can only be removed through this programming option. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Appendix A – User Authorities All user options with the appropriate authority level are shown in the table. Code Menu Option Unset Reset Test Engineer Code User Tel Number Log-Full Log-Cct Log-User Log-KP Log-Date Log-Alarm. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Appendix B – Editing Text A number of text descriptors may be changed by an authorised user. All changes to descriptors are logged.

Length Default User User xx Set group Group x Access control module ACM x. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Appendix C - Log Messages Alarm & Event Log messages Log Text Additional Data Display Text Event Description 230v Fault NONE (see note) NONE Mains supply failed 230v OK NONE (see note) NONE Mains supply restored A/Set Fault. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Alarm & Event Log messages Log Text Additional Data Display Text Event Description Det Test Fail Usnn, Area m Usnn, Am One or more detector test circuits failed Det Test OK Usnn, Area m Usnn, Am All detector test circuits tested Det.Test Fail. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Alarm & Event Log messages Log Text Additional Data Display Text Event Description Isolate User nn, Keypad m Usnn, KPm Keypad isolated by user Isolate User nn, RMm Usnn, RMm Radio module isolated by user Jamming Radio module number RM nn Receiver jammed. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Alarm & Event Log messages Log Text Additional Data Display Text Event Description Sndr Tamper NONE NONE Panel sounder tamper Soak Alarm Circuit nnn Cctnnn A circuit on soak test has alarmed Soak Failed Circuit nnn Cctnnn. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Appendix E - Menu Restrictions If a menu number is entered and the option is not available, then a reason will be displayed. For example if no area is set and you select unset the panel will prompt with the reason the unset option is not available.

PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Appendix E - Log On Messages When a user logs on, the system may display a special message(s) before the normal menu is displayed. The special messages are shown in the table. Message Reason Alarm Abort. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Appendix F – Audio Commands This section only applies to systems that are fitted with an audio bus or a speech module. The speech and audio functions of the system by using a DTMF telephone handset. To use an audio or speech function: 1.

PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Appendix G - System Details Number of Areas Number of keypads Number of Circuits Number of Users Service Number Contract Number Keypads Number Location Set Groups Number Description Areas - 42. PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Circuits Number Description Location Cct 1 Cct 2 Cct 3 Cct 4 Cct 5 Cct 6 Cct 7 Cct 8 Cct 9 Cct 10 Cct 11 Cct 12 Cct 13 Cct 14 Cct 15 Cct 16 Cct 17.

Guardall Guardstation Software

PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B Number Description Location Cct 28 Cct 29 Cct 30 Cct 31 Cct 32 Cct 33 Cct 34 Users Number Description Areas - 44. Guardall Limited Lochend Industrial Estate Newbridge Edinburgh EH28 8PL Tel: 0131-333-2900 FAX: 0131-333-4919 Technical Hotline: 0131-333-3802 Part Number: 320995-0B.